High School Projects

The grade 10 learners from the Masiphumelele High School participated in a competition for Road Safety by entering an essay on the topic “What will I do the to change Road Safety in South Africa”

Drive More Safely (DMS) a local NPO on Road Safety and Learner Driver Training together with Two Wheel Training hosted a talk on road safety and launched this competition. The only requirement was that the learner must have an ID document and be 16 years (for a bike licence) and 17 years (for a motorcar licence).

16 Learners entered the competition and six winners will participate in the programme. This programme assists them in all aspects of road safety and assist them in obtaining there training in learners-and drivers licence. The programme is designed to enhance road safety and training the learner drivers to be competent, safe and responsible drivers. We at DMS believe that this is the key in bringing down the accident rate on our roads. Too many families are left with a permanent reminder of an accident that changed their lives forever.

Should you need more information regarding this programme you can contact us on info@drivemoresafely.co.za

On the 14th November 2010, a Breakfast run will be hosted from Muizenberg around the Peninsula to raise funds to train these six learners. Please join us in this fun event. Many prizes are up for grabs and it includes breakfast at Dixie’s. Email us for more information or contact Sandy on 021-7822777.